CreativeLive — Night Photography Blog — National Parks at Night


Night Photography Week Recap: Our Adventures With CreativeLive

Last week we had the most amazing experience. Well, more accurately, the experience lasted the entire summer.

A few months ago CreativeLive brought the entire National Parks at Night team on board to design a series of video courses about night photography—a long, challenging and rewarding project that culminated with "Night Photography Week" on September 12-16.

I can speak for all of us in saying that the experience of working with CreativeLive was remarkable. Their team is so professional, talented and capable that we all felt an immediate sense of ease—from Day 1 we could sense that the process would be smooth, and that we could focus on producing the best content we could imagine to deliver to our followers and theirs.

The production teams were true collaborators, offering an honest listen-and-feedback loop that everyone involved thrived on. And while their plans were honed to a T, they were adept at quickly adapting to avert or make the best of obstacles. (Let's just say that only two of the five of us did not have to deal with rain or fog during scheduled night-sky shoots.)

We had a lot of fun during the project as well, including a rooftop night portrait shoot with a great view of the Space Needle, camping at the coast of Olympic National Park during the Perseid meteor shower, and catching sight of an amazing fireball streaming across the skies of the Eastern Sierra.

What's next?

Now that our CreativeLive course is grown up and living its own life, we're not just sitting back and watching. We're ready to get back into the field with our fall workshops in Death Valley and Arches national parks, and with our 2017 itinerary that we announced last week.

If you haven't signed up for our Night Photography CreativeLive course yet, we encourage you to join the over 51,000 photographers who already have.

The course features:

  • 82 segments that total nearly 18 hours of instruction and discussion.
  • Bonus materials that include information on camera and light-painting gear, lists of apps to help with location scouting and night photography, and articles about topics such as camera settings and the 400 Rule.
  • And a photo challenge that will be wrapped up with a live-streamed critique on CreativeLive on October 25! Send your very best night-photography images to for a chance to receive feedback in this free live broadcast.

If you have any questions or feedback about the course, we'd love to hear from you, either in the Comments section below, via email or on our Facebook page.

Once again, thank you for all of your collective support, and for your mutual interest in this dynamic niche of photography. Seize the night!

Chris Nicholson is the author of Photographing National Parks (Sidelight Books, 2015). Learn more about national parks as photography destinations, subscribe to Chris' free e-newsletter, and more at