Lunar Eclipse 2025
Are you ready for the total lunar eclipse on the overnight of March 13 to 14, 2025? To help you get prepared, below are some resources.
Where to See the Eclipse
A good portion of the Eastern Hemisphere will witness the total eclipse, including all of the contiguous United States and the eastern half of Alaska, plus all of Canada, all of Central America and half of South America.
Courtesy of NASA.
How to Shoot the Eclipse
In the past we’ve written a few blog posts about lunar eclipse photography. Reading through them should offer some good info about how to work on March 13-14.
“Moon Shots: What We Learned from Photographing the 2019 Lunar Eclipse — National Parks at Night”
“Once in a Red Moon: Photographing the Lunar Eclipse — National Parks at Night”
“How I Got the Shot: Lunar Eclipse in a Sparkling Star Field — National Parks at Night”
When to Shoot the Eclipse
All phases of the eclipse will happen simultaneously for viewers across time zones. However, because your watches will be different, the times will be different. To that end, we offer the following guides for when to be out shooting, and for when to expect what. (Click to open, right-click to download.)
Eastern time (GMT -4)
Central time (GMT -5)
Mountain time (GMT -6)
Pacific time (GMT -7)